Everyday we are exposed to toxins, radiation and polluted air. Our food has become refined;preserved;colored;low in fibre;fatty and treated with insecticides, chemicals, hormones and even genetically grown. We eat very little roughage, drink less than 8 glasses of water, lack of exercise and our increasing stress levels all contribute to irregular bowel movements. Mankind has improved things so much that we are slowly killing ourselves. Today we suffer from diseases and illnesses that never plagued man before. We leave ourselves open to allergies; arthritis; gout; heart; kidney; bladder and prostate problems; premature aging; cancer; bad memory & eyesight; endometriosis; weak immune systems etc. Everyone can benefit from colon hydrotherapy; especially after pregnancy, barium enemas, drug use, colon toxemia, constipation, spastic colon, abdominal pain, bloatedness, gas candida, weight problems, coated tongue, skin problems, lower back pain, sinusitis, headaches, depression, fatigue, ulcers, parasites, diarrhea, varicose veins, smelly feet, bad breath, body odor, fever, anemia AND MANY OTHER AILMENTS!
Difficulty in defecation, Constipation
Hepatitis, abnormal liver function
Nephritis, abnormal kidney function,
Prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases
Spots, acnes, sickly complexion, and rough skin caused by the piling up impacted feces.
Endocrine disorders, fatness impacted feces
Insomnia, dizziness, fatigue and other sub-health state related to impacted feces Prevention of colorectal cancer
Prevention of Hemorrhoids, anal fissure
Gynecological washing, treatment and prevention of gynecological inflammation
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